Training as a collaborative construct of co-creation value




In a volatile, uncertain, complex, and rapidly expanding technological environment, it is essential for organizations to rethink their strategies and invest in change and innovation management. Training is value, it is a valuable collaborative construct and, nowadays, remains central in the direct impact on the evolution and growth of organizations contributing to the modernization of the country.

Having in view a set of core procedures for the construction of a training plan, we triedprecisely to enhance its characteristics, adapting it to prospective management principles and integrating dominant aspects. The aim is to emphasize its impact on the consolidation of a  culture of knowledge based on interconnective networks of relationships, knowledge sharing and resource optimization.

With solid transformational leadership  and a strong valueprposition defined by an ecosystem-based training plan, that naturally leads to the co-creation process, organizations will more easily redefine agile strategies capable of aligning, involving, motivating, challenging, bringing together, evolving, changing their culture and stand out in the territory of coopetition


